You are here on, Pontes Dice Simulator page
Here you can find information about Pontes Dice Simulator.
Since 25 September 2014, Pontes Dice Simulator was launched 93848 times, totally being 635906 throws, an average of 6.78 per session.
The version 1.0 of Pontes Dice Simulator was released on 28 July 2014, the last update on 25 September 2014.
Pontes Dice Simulator is a featured dice simulator which allows you to throw various number of dice, announces them vocally in several languages, throws them on shaking and many others.
There are many options in menu: disable or enable dice sounds, number speaking, sorting mode (descendant, ascendant or none).
It shows the lucky percentage, for instance a six is 100%, an one is 0%.
It is also fully accessible using Talkback.
Install it via Google Play, the entry for Pontes Dice Simulator can be found clicking next link:
Pontes Dice Simulator in Google Play
Pontes Dice Simulator was programmed in Java and Android SDK by Manu (Emanuel Boboiu), member of Pontes IT Department.
If you want to contact us, do it using the address: android [a rond] pontes [dot] ro
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